Sushi Pickle Llama Pasta Stache

Designer, Illustrator
Tabletop Games

Welcome to the world of a slap-happy tabletop card game where memorable characters and infectious laughter await. Designed to whisk players away from the ordinary, this game promises accessible, competitive fun for all. From its playful tarot card illustrations to captivating packaging, every element is crafted to immerse players in a world of slapstick joy.


Traditional social gatherings lack spontaneity and depth, leading to predictable conversations and missed opportunities for genuine connection. Existing card games predominantly target children, lacking the transformative essence required to dismantle these barriers and encourage genuine interaction. Our mission? To take individuals out of their comfort zones with a beautifully designed slapping card game.


Drawing inspiration from the mystical allure of tarot cards, we delivered a card game that injects excitement and intrigue into social gatherings. Sushi Pickle Llama Pasta Stache features an array of illustrated cards, each with its own unique personality designed to spark conversation and laughter. The brand narrative crafts an immersive experience that extends beyond gameplay, encompassing social media, eye-catching packaging, photography, video content, and playful stickers.

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